“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.”

 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince



  • Psychiatric Evaluation/Consultation

    90 minute (adult) or 120 minute (child & adolescent) diagnostic evaluation, which includes a review of current and past psychiatric symptoms and treatment, collateral sources to be contacted as appropriate and as available.

    Initial diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations offered within this consultation.

    Full recommendations for treatment will be offered following this appointment in a followup or feedback session, charged at Dr. Cheney’s regular rate.

  • Psychopharmacologic Treatment

    Following initial evaluation, subsequent follow up appointments for purpose of prescribing medication and directed or supportive therapy, often in combination with other clinician(s)

    Frequency of visits is determined by acuity and (in)stability of medications, no less than every three to six months.

    If you do not require or desire this frequency of session, due to relative stability, please discuss this with Dr. Cheney.

  • Combination Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacologic Treatment

    Following the initial evaluation, Dr. Cheney may be available to meet regularly for combination treatment with psychotherapy and medication management.

    Dr. Cheney enjoys working with motivated and insightful adolescents and young adults who are interested in an eclectic approach, including facets of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Supportive Therapy.

Specialty Conditions:


Anxiety Disorders

Mood Disorders


Feeding and Eating Disorders

OCD and Related Disorders

Tic Disorders

Disruptive Behavioral Disorders

Trauma and Adjustment Disorders

LGBTQIA Affirming Care

Complex Diagnostic Presentations

Make this your beginning.