Payment is due at the time of session. An added fee will be added if payment is not available on the day of the visit.
Dr. Cheney accepts major credit cards, which can be saved to her portal, Osmind, as the preferred method of payment.
Dr. Cheney also accepts Chase Quickpay/Zelle payments or cash/check.
Dr. Cheney does not accept checks from out-of-network insurance.
Dr. Cheney’s fees are the same for virtual and in-office sessions.
Please ask about fees at time of contact.
Dr. Cheney is not currently offering new patients sliding scale fees.
Dr. Cheney is primarily an out of network provider.
After payment, Dr. Cheney is happy to provide you with a “superbill” that you are able to submit to insurance.
Only for employees of NYU Langone Hospital with United Health Care is she in network as a Top Tier Provider.
Osmind is a medical record/portal system with features to allow for smooth and secure administrative support, including a patient phone app for ease.
Please let Dr. Cheney know if you are experiencing difficulty with Osmind functionality, as it will be our main route of communication and appointment scheduling tool outside of sessions.
Dr. Cheney prefers that patients use Osmind for out of session contact, when non-emergent.
If urgent, please call or text Dr. Cheney at 347-583-7111.
Emergent concerns are not to be communicated through Osmind or call/text, but by call to 911 or presentation to your emegency room.
Rye: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:30AM - 5:40PM
Manhattan: Wednesday: 10:15 AM - 6:30 PM
Dr. Cheney does not see patients in the evenings or weekends.
Dr. Cheney allows one missed visit as a courtesy, though afterwards will charge increasing amounts up to the full session charge, which will be discussed individually.
Dr. Cheney understands that appointments will sometimes need to be missed or cancelled. For this reason, it is appreciated that appointments are canceled 24 business hours ahead of the schedule session time, or it will be understood as a missed session and charged as such.
Dr. Cheney will either check email/messages or make patients aware of coverage for holidays and vacations.
Dr. Cheney does not routinely check email or send prescriptions on holidays. Please send requests in advance.
Dr. Cheney will take the remaining Holidays off in 2025 (and other days tbd):
April 18
May 23 & 26
July 4
September 1
October 13
November 27-28
December 25-26
Please contact Dr. Cheney directly in Osmind chat for refills. In your message, please ensure that you specify the medication name (brand or generic), dose, supply (30 v 90 day), and pharmacy.
Dr. Cheney does not respond to pharmacy request for refills to ensure accuracy.
Dr. Cheney will not refill medications unless a patient’s balance is paid.
Dr. Cheney attempts to complete insurance authorizations for medications as efficiently as possible.
Please be aware that if your medication is not covered by insurance despite the attempt at prior authorization (that can already take 24-48 hours) and requires an appeal, this requires more paperwork/phone call(s) by Dr. Cheney. Insurance companies generally require 24-72 hours to review the information - which still may be denied despite Dr. Cheney’s efforts.
Dr. Cheney does not provide the following treatments, though is happy to make referrals should they be considered of benefit to the patient: Ketamine, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Medical Marijuana, other Psychadelic Medications/Trials.
While stimulants are in particular shortage, please be prepared to provide Dr. Cheney with multiple pharmacies. Also, you may need to shift your prescription to a different preparation based on availability. Dr. Cheney will work to support you in this time to have the proper medications, as best she can.
Please ask for refills in advance of need, approximately a week before you will run out.
Dr. Cheney utilizes Genomind testing, which can be completed if desired or recommended to inform treatment decisions.
Dr. Cheney will recommend and order requisite bloodwork for assessment of possible organic etiologies of symptoms or as required for certain medications.
Dr. Cheney does not have an on-site lab or phlebotomist.
Dr. Cheney will provide you with an electronic PDF with orders for you to bring to the lab of your choice.
Labs results are faxed to Dr. Cheney as they are completed, following which she will contact you with any concerns or next-step recommendations based on the results.
Dr. Cheney will complete documentation for school accommodations in combination with appointments and discussion of services recommended.
This paperwork will require a session to review and discuss.
Dr. Cheney is happy to attend IEP meetings if desired. This time will be charged as an appointment with codes appropriate for the context, which are not likely to be covered by insurance unless the patient/student is present.
Dr Cheney is happy to write a letter to your school to explain absences related to appointments.
Dr. Cheney is happy to advocate for school accommodations outside of 504 plans or IEPs, though will need to be discussed in a scheduled session.
Dr. Cheney is happy to collabrate with teachers or school staff as indicated.
Please ensure that you complete a HIPAA release for this sharing of medical information.
Should these calls be frequent, Dr. Cheney will need to charge for her time at a pro-rated fee.
Dr. Cheney appreciates working as a member of a treatment team. She asks that at the initiation of treatment, you connect your treatment team members to encourage communication and collaboration, in addition to completing HIPAA forms, as appropriate
Outside provider information will be added to Osmind for ease of access.
Dr. Cheney does not conduct neuropsychological evaluations. She is happy to provide referrals if desired. She is happy to speak with you during session about whether they would be helpful to aid treatment or academics.
If you or your child has a past neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation report, please provide this to Dr. Cheney for review.